Hypnotherapy High Wycombe | Changing States Site Map
Changing States - Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis, NLP & EMDR | Ethical and professional Clinical Hypnotherapy, EMDR and NLP based Psychotherapy | Hypnotherapy High Wycombe / Online

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Interactive multimedia hypnotherapy, hypnosis and NLP resources

About Changing States

How the brain works
Even about how the brain works...

Brain function and how we "do" phobias

How do you think? Modality test

Smoking cost calculator

Alcohol consumption evaluation

Stress evaluation

Gift voucher

Hypnotherapy / CBT / low frequency audio sample files

Online virtual hypnotherapy session

Relax before Xmas special service

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Case histories... (PDF)

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About the practice

Clinical Hypnotherapy / EMDR / NLP / Biofeedback and TFT

Also listed in:

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1 Hypnotherapy

2 Low frequency audio



Services Available (Changing States)

Issues / conditions / symptoms that can be addressed

This site has further infomation for the following issues:



Alcohol Cessation / Control

Allergies / Psychogenic allergies

Anorexia nervosa

Anxiety / Anxiety disorders


Bed wetting / Nocturnal enuresis

Bereavement / Loss / Grief / Divorce / Separation

Blushing / Erythrophobia

Bulimia nervosa

Cardiac Health (Heart Pain / Heart Attack Recovery)

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / ME


Driving anxiety / driving phobia

Eating Disorders / Bulemia / Anorexia / …

Glaucoma / some eyesight issues

Headaches / See also migraine

Healthy eating

Hypertension (High blood pressure)

IBS / Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Insomnia (See also Sleep)

Impotence / Erectile dysfunction

Infertility / Psychogenic infertility

Learning difficulties / ADHD / ADD / …


Obesity / weight control / healthy eating

Obsessive compulsions / OCDs - Obsessive Compulsion Disorder

Pain control / Pain Management

Panic / Panic Attacks / Disorder

Performance anxiety / Presentation phobia

Phobias / fears

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD - via EMDR) / PTSD

Premature ejaculation / Coming too soon

Relationship Loss / Divorce, Bereavement, Breakup

Self esteem

Skin problems / Dermatology / Eczema

Sleep Disturbance / (See also Insomnia)

Smoking cessation


Social Phobia / Social Anxiety

Stress / Relaxation / See also anxiety / depression

Tics / Psychogenic dystonia


Tooth grinding / Bruxism

Trauma (Via EMDR) / PTSD / Trauma

Weight control / Obesity / See also eating disorders / obesity

More conditions and issues that can be treated using hypnotherapy, NLP and / or EMDR...

NLP - Neuro Linguistic Psychology

Underlying theory and clinical studies

Bill Frost in the media / publications

Associated Services / Activities

To book an appointment CLICK HERE or call 0737 9876 788

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy High Wycombe and Central London

© Changing States is a provider of hypnotherapy and hypnosis High Wycombe & Central London
Bill Frost - Clinical Hypnotherapist 1998-2024

Developed by: Neuro Innovations - providers of psychotherapy and EMDR software

Diplomate Member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Psychotherapy | Hypnotherapy/Hypnosis | EMDR/Eye Movement Therapy | NLP/Timeline Therapy | Biofeedback | Conditions/Issues | Breakthrough | Counselling / Coaching | Software Products | Web shop | Online Hypnosis | Hypnosis / hypnotherapy audio | About us | Appointments | Site Map
Last updated 27 July 2024

Hypnotherapy High Wycombe | () | Hypnotherapy High Wycombe / Central London

Required disclaimer: Please be aware that we bring 100% of our effort and skill to the process, however, as with all practices, results may vary between individuals.