Testimonials from clients

Getting to the root of problems in our lives

The following testimonials comments have been provided by clients of Bill Frost – Changing States – at the close of the therapy. Feedback is provided on an anonymous but attributable basis.

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  • Many thanks for the assistance. Absolutely fascinating and absorbing. It gave me a great feeling of optimism. *
  • Obviously for someone new to this type of treatment, it's hard to know before meeting the practitioner a) how genuine they are and b) how effective they might be / how skilled. I feel very lucky in contacting you as both these fears were removed immediately. *
  • I very much liked the ambience of the practice, with plants, aroma therapy oils, world music etc, and hints of Buddhist decor gave me a warm feeling. *
  • Very impressed with the treatment room; neat and well organised = added confidence for the client! {Relationship loss}*
  • Thanks for your help tonight, it was admirably professional and thorough. *
  • Many thanks for the detailed replies and most useful info. It's all helping me to deal with things in a positive manner wherever possible. *
  • For the first time since I started smoking and many attempts to stop I no longer have any desire to smoke! {Smoking cessation}*
  • Following on from my {single}* session recently I am pleased to say I haven't had one yet! and I went to the pub with a friend last night, consuming three glasses of wine and still didn't have one, Hoorah! {Smoking cessation}*
  • I'm amazed at the pace of change. Only a few days ago I was petrified even just thinking about them. Now look at me! {Phobia}*
  • A very positive experience - warm and sympathetic practitioner. {Phobia}*
  • Bill is very understanding, thoughtful, helpful and above all very easy to talk to. *
  • I just cannot believe how much my life has changed and how much better I feel! {Depression}*
  • Many thanks Bill for your help, my weight is reducing at a good steady rate! {Weight loss}*
  • Thanks for your help through timeline therapy solving a long-standing problem I now for the first time feel more positive and go forward, and generally feel much better and have more self esteem! {Self esteem / Confidence}*
  • Thank you for the NLP {software-based}* technique - I have now lost my sweet tooth and can sail past the sweets and cakes in the supermarket without a second look and can cheerfully refuse either if offered. (Very powerful technique). {Weight control}*
  • I used to have high blood pressure - now by readings are normal. My practice nurse took the reading several times just to be sure! {Hypertension}*
  • Almost a week has elapsed since our meeting when I became a non-smoker (and I am still...!). Just wanted to let you know that although I was quite nervous before we met, your calm, obvious inner strength, kindness and professionalism soon set me at ease. I have as you know smoked off and on for 30 years but I have had my last cigarette! {Smoking cessation}*
  • I feel very different, everything seems to have clicked into place. I now know where I'm going and seem to have direction in life. I am no longer angry or resentful and feel emotionally stable. The CD is fantastic by the way! {Relationship issues}*
  • It was three weeks ago today that I came to see you to become a non-smoker - and I am still a non-smoker. No craving, occasional memory of what a habit it was, but nothing worse. Thank you for helping me get back my freedom... {Smoking cessation}*
  • I am pleased with results, after treatment the constant urges for food have been reduced dramatically and I have lost weight steadily. {Healthy eating}*
  • Thank you for helping me re-discover that life is worth living. {PTSD}*
  • I just wanted to say thank you so much for the support you have given me over the last few days. I don't know what I would have done if you had not been there. It means so much to know that you genuinely care about your client's well being. {Anxiety / childhood issues}*
  • All that you talked about and the info you gave me I found very helpful. I also thought that you were honest and I was grateful for the extra time that you gave me. Thank you. {Complex phobia}*
  • Firstly I haven't smoked a cigarette since and the thought of it seems to make me feel ill. I cant even stand the smell now. I think the work that you do is excellent and it was fun too and I felt very relaxed and comfortable throughout. I have had no side effects at all during the cold turkey phase and my eating habits have remained the same. Thank you for making something that seemed difficult and impossible to being really easy and helping someone feel proud of themselves and back in control. But most of all stop stinking... 🙂 Carry on your good work its very unique and life changing. {Smoking cessation}*
  • It's the day after my extended session for 'panic attacks while driving' and I feel like a whole weight has lifted from my mind. I drove for the first time in weeks this morning - I counteracted the only slight problem I had using my new rapid relaxation techniques. The rest of the journey I felt indescribably confident - a feeling I haven't had in months, perhaps, years. {Panic attacks while driving}*
  • I was extremely impressed by the treatment that I received. At all times Bill was very knowledgeable and professional and made me feel at ease. I also received a lot of excellent support material. The treatment was enjoyable and very good value for money too. I would recommend Bill to anyone. {Alcohol Control}*
  • It is unbelievably one year exactly since I became a non-smoker and frankly I cannot believe how time has flown. I have thanked you before for your help, but let me do it again - thanks so much... {Smoking Cessation}*
  • Without a doubt your therapy got me back on the road, I would never have done it without your help. You taught me to control and reduce my anxiety levels to the point where I could feel back in control. I found you to be highly professional and thorough with genuine concern regarding recovery. {Fear of driving following a car accident}*
  • I found Bill Frost to be very helpful, his techniques on relaxing and thought stopping / internal dialogue control [NLP/CBT] are recommendable for people suffering from anxiety and/or depression. {Anxiety}*
  • With your help I feel that I have overcome my fear of spiders. I never thought it would be possible to actually hold a spider in my hands - it was an awesome moment! Thank you so much. {Spider phobia}*
  • The session was everything that I expected and much more besides. The CDs that you game me were much more effective than I expected. Very good! {CFS}*
  • I did not realise how important relaxation was for those with anxiety disorders. I now have many new (more healthy) ways to relax and my anxiety disorder is now in the past. {Anxiety - via Counselling+}*
  • Bill Frost was very thorough, explaining everything as we went along, he made me feel very calm and relaxed, a gentle gentleman. I was given CD's to help me de-stress and deal with my anxieties, which was an unexpected surprise. I would most certainly recommend Bill Frost and will return for some further sessions. {Flying phobia}*
  • I found my extended treatment session very positive and the support material in particular has proven successful and helped me remain a non-smoker. I found the visual aspects of the course most effective and I am determined to remain a non smoker. {Smoking cessation}*
  • No longer have negative thoughts. Feel I can go almost anywhere now, and not worry about what people think of me. Feel much more confident. The feeling hot and flushed seems to be getting better as time goes on. {Negative thoughts, worrying about what people thought about me, feeling hot and flushed}*
  • It was a wonderful experience and one I shall never forget. Six clear days now and I'm not fighting anything. That just was not possible before I saw you. Whether it gets easier or harder with time remains to be seen, but I am grateful to have got this far. {Alcohol cessation}*
  • Bill was very understanding and knew how to help me out. I recommend him to everyone! {Anxiety}*
  • I have found my 2 sessions with Bill Frost extremely rewarding. Just doing something about my problem in the first place had an immediate positive affect. I found that the sessions had a calming affect on the way i see and deal with situations now. Very in tune with the techniques to relax and to deal with sticky situations that may arise. {Insecure feelings, anxiety, verbally abusive behaviour after excess alcohol}*
  • Things are already getting better - not just on the phone, but speaking face to face too. I'm remembering to slow down and to focus away from myself. You've given me some really useful techniques and planted the seeds of change which I needed. So thanks again. {Telephone phobia / speech}*
  • Bill's session has given me the tools and the confidence to move forward and effectively manage my problem. His mix of knowledge / wisdom and common sense approach made the session even more effective and enjoyable. Many thanks! *
  • Thank you so much for the session it shifted loads and was extremely enlightening! I wish you all the best in your powerful work. {Body memory}*
  • I found my session with you very helpful. I still have attacks of anxiety and panic when I'm on the phone, but, I feel better able to deal with them. Focusing on something outside myself really helps and I am using the your techniques to good effect. Also, I am feeling much less anxious about making phone calls. I'm no longer spending all day worrying about the call, I just make it straight away. You have also helped me to reduce my stress. I am feeling much less wound up and overwhelmed. I have been recommending you to friends! So, thanks very much for your help. {Anxiety / Speech}*
  • The problem hasn't gone away {entirely}*, but I feel better able to deal with it and I feel -much- less reluctant to make phone calls. My session was definitely a worthwhile experience. {Anxiety and stammering when making phone calls}*
  • My son found the therapy session with Bill and the follow-up cd really helpful. Bill dealt with the issue in a calm, kind and straightforward manner that my 14 year old son could relate too. We are both still surprised that after that session, my son has not experienced bullying or had any problems with his teachers. This was seven weeks ago. The follow-up CDs are really helpful to help him relax and to reduce any other anxieties he his in other situations. Thank you very much Bill. {Anxiety around going to school, fear of teachers and being bullied}*
  • I was quite cynical about the whole thing before and at times during my treatment. However, I was fascinated throughout and the proof being in the pudding so to speak, I have not smoked for weeks and I sleep well every night. A life-changing experience and thanks Bill. I am deeply grateful. {Smoking and sleep irregularities}*
  • Bill Frost has been tremendous in helping me deal with and control my phobia, I love the sensation of flying but when I started to think of how the plane stays up there and when there was turbulence, I would loose control, and get myself into a state of panic and terror. Bill Frost's hypnotherapy sessions have helped me understand how safe flying is, what the unusual noises are and what causes turbulence, which enables me to put everything into perspective. Bill Frost is a very gentle, gentleman who understands and is compassionate towards people. I was shown calming breathing techniques and given two CD's to listen to, which was totally unexpected but extremely beneficial. I have flown several times now since my sessions and feel much more in control, relaxed, calm and happier about flying. I cannot recommend Bill Frost enough, he's superb. {Fear of flying}*
  • It took me a long time to find Bill but well worth waiting for. I am feeling better now than I have been for many years proving the docs quite wrong. I get a few disbelieving looks from people who have known the extent of my disability! Thank you Bill. You are a very skilled and compassionate therapist whom I shall readily recommend to others. {CFS/fibromyalga/autoimmune}*
  • I was very impressed throughout my session addressing two addictions and left with a sense of wellbeing that persists. I have not been tempted at all to drink or smoke and hope to never again. {Smoking/alcohol cessation}*
  • Without a doubt the most effective therapist I've ever come accross, wish I'd come accross him years ago!
    Highly ethical, puts his clients first and probably most importantly he's broadly educated and uses evidence-based therapeutic techniques and is flexible enough to try different approaches. On top of that he doesn't take himself too seriously!
    In a series of sessions we managed to deal with :-
    - Getting over ongoing painful & re-occuring thoughts about a long-term relationship loss and the loss of a child - result: no more ongoing memories or emotional issues around this, fabulous!
    - Childhood traumatic events that had been troubling me and poisoning family relationships and self-esteem for years - result: significantly improved family relationships & greatly improved self-esteem.
    - Dealing with a long-term psycho-sexual issue. Result: no longer an issue
    Don't get the idea that this type of therapy doesnt require effort, work (and/or pain at times), the difference is this actually works (well it did for me anyway!)
    Couldn't recommend him highly enough! {Relationship loss/childhood trauma/psycho-sexual issue}*
  • I found the service I received to be of a very high standard. I was able to commence my therapy very quickly and all my queries were answered within a short period of time. My appointments were dealt with in a professional and understanding manner. {Ongoing telephone based therapy to address a phobia of pigeons}*
  • Having been completly unable to calm myself & being constantly strung up Bill (after just one session) has shown me how to find a place of calm within myself that I had given up looking for! Without doubt it has and will be a saviour for me. {Anxiety}*
  • My Sessions with Bill helped me relax and take control of my thinking patterns with far greater ease and insight than ever before. He has a relaxed, personable manner which makes you feel comfortable and quickly at ease. For me the sessions were successful and I recommend Bill wholeheartedly. Cheers. {Social anxiety}*
  • I consulted Bill out of sheer desperation as my panic attacks had increased rapidly over the last few months. I am amazed at the results of my two sessions with him. My stress levels have gone right down. Thank you, Bill, for your patience and help. {Panic attacks}*
  • A genuinely life changing experience for me. I felt better after a single hypnotherapy session than I've felt in as long as I can remember. {Stress and anxiety}*
  • A definite improvement since my appointment, not one panic attack since - THANK YOU! Still feel them coming on but am better able to keep them from getting too bad. Just seeing how each day goes. {Anxiety And Panic Attacks}*
  • Two years on and I am still a non-smoker. Thank you for the help you gave me to quit smoking . {Smoking cessation}*
  • Bill is AMAZING he is a true professional and I felt really comfortable allowing him access to my subconcious mind. I would recommend Bill to anyone
  • Bill's therapy has been invaluable to me in overcoming the physical and emotional pain of a miscarriage. He has refocused my career and helped me find the strength within myself to make the right personal and professional changes. The EMDR removed the nightmares reoccuring for 10 years and the Timeline therapy placed the incident in my past desensitising the pain of the miscarriage and an abusive relationship. The dirty feeling/grittyness and poor self image I had gradually dispelled as I practised the meditation techniques dispelling the binge comfort eating and self harm destructive patterns. Bill taught me to come to terms with my bi-polar depression triggered by the miscarriage-reactive depression. Within mid therapy session (session 2) I made the move to come off the anti depressants, sedatives and sleeping pills all within the period of 2 weeks while he taught me depression was merely a body's reactive mechanism that could be changed and monitored useing his Time-line and stress management discs and CD's as well as controlled meditative breathing and mind exercises to control emotional pain.

    Particularly effective was Time-line therapy which combined cleverly the first relaxation technique then the white light healing exercise combined with the reevaluation of the past via Time-line therapy repositioning and desensitising the pain of the past event and objectifying lessons learnt from the past. I have learnt through his leads through Buddhism to gain insight from suffering and am just begining to learn Buddhist meditation techniques to help me even at work to focus more clearly on my observation work with children and pinpoint social sensitivity. Thankyou Bill. You have opened the door that was my self made prison.
  • EMDR enabled me to voice emotions that had been buried - where there was temporarily no emotional strength Bill's techniques/EMDR fueled me to accelerate important life changes. Bill Frost has enabled me to express powerful emotions in a non-destructive way using a calm anchor to stay in control. When the stakes were high at work and in personal life Bill has shown me that "issues" in themselves are part of a process and that behaviour associated with them can be changed effectively to activate pivotal life changes. BF has has made me realize boundary setting is negating the issue and concentrating on behaviour necessary (in my case to overcome re-training and job interviews). *
  • As a bi-polar Bill Frost has represented a door to health for me. (Medication has been reduced and an addiction to sleeping pills and anti-depressants resolved). I had never believed that I could be back to where I was in my working life and further ahead in my personal life. Bill Frost has helped me maintain a healthy life and work choices preventing relapse. I don't know any other therapist in my 34 years of mental health support I could say this about. {Anxiety / bi-polar depression}*
  • The session was very good and I was very happy with the service offered. There was a good effort made in finding the underlying causes of the condition and a variety of self-hypnosis methods where taught. I was impressed by the technology used to measure stress etc. Also Bill took his time in explaining the emotional and psychological issues related to stress and eczema. {Eczema}*
  • Very informative and made me feel relaxed. now able to calm myself down with the relaxation exercises I had been given. {Anxiety}*
  • This old cynic is truly astounded. I have not smoked since I walked out of Bill's clinic on the 12 February 2007. I had smoked for 28 years previously. It has totally changed my life. I worried about getting fat(ter)so joined a gym and absolutely love it! I walk to work too and virtually have cut out drinking. I have tried excercise before and found it hell, but now it is so much easier and really enjoyable. The downside is that I have adopted a rather holier than thou attitude and cannot stand the smell of cigarettes or those that smoke them still! Honestly, it is the best thing I've ever done for myself. {Smoking cessation}*
  • It was good to meet Bill who was very knowledgeable. I don't seem to think much now about my previous relationship. {Anxiety / depression}*
  • Bill helped me with a number of long standing problems. I had social anxiety all my life, hypnosis and NLP worked well for me especially for talking in group situations. I am now able to speak up in meetings and training events, before I would have had a panic attack when asked to introduce myself to a group of strangers. Recently I was able to take part in a presentation at a national conference to an audience of 20 people, which is great progress for me. {Social anxiety}*
  • I received counselling as well for a while from Bill and found him to be a good listener and very patient, the counselling helped me to see things differently. *
  • Bill also taught me methods that I could use at home for relaxation and confidence building. I experienced a lot of work place stress, Bill taught me stress management strategies and explained in detail how stress affected me. We also worked on assertiveness and I was able to practice techniques in a safe environment. {Stress / Assertiveness}*
  • I have always been nervous in a car, even as a passenger, Bill used hypnosis with EMDR to help me overcome my fears. The next day I drove the car and felt so much calmer. {Anxiety, confidence, depression, stress and fear when driving}*
  • Whilst skiing after my hypnotherapy I was able to go in chair lifts and cabin lifts without the fear I had experienced previously. {Fear of heights}*
  • Feel great - have not smoked - have not used emergency pack. Have had a few cravings but could not imagine smoking to get rid of craving. Very pleased with the result. {Smoking cessation}*
  • I think meeting with Bill was a positive move on my behalf, which has acted as a catalyst for further positive change. I still have some way to go but am taking a more proactive, and less avoidant, stance towards my difficulties, which has enabled me to feel more in control. *
  • The session itself created a space for me to reflect and get a clear handle on how I want to be and what has been holding me back. *
  • Overall, I found Bill's professionalism (pre and post therapy)to be of the highest order. In my opinion, this contributes towards a transparent, ethically attuned and sensitive healing encounter. *
  • A very considerate approach with excellent results. Highly reccommended! *
  • I stuck to the suggested {initial period of abstinence}* regime - didn't have a drink right up to Christmas. Since then I feel I have problem under control. I no longer drink every day - perhaps 2 or 3 times a week now and have only once had more than two drinks on these occasions. Thanks very much for your help. {Excessive alcohol consumption / alcohol control}*
  • Stuck to suggested regime {Period of abstinence followed by control}* - didn't have a drink right up to Christmas. Since then I feel I have problem under control. I no longer drink every day - perhaps 2 or 3 times a week now and have only once had more than two drinks on these occasions. {Alcohol control}*
  • Thanks very much for your help. *
  • I have been provided with all the tools I need to effectively deal with my stress. {Stress management}*
  • Thank you for making me realize that I could heal myself all along. The relaxation CDs I was given after the session helped me in the beginning, but now I rely on myself to keep calm and stay focused. I have not been experiencing myoclonic jerks for almost three months now and it has been very relieving. I still feel weak sometimes, but realize how far I have come and how much I am capable of on my own. Thank you for making me realize how strong I really am. I feel out of the clouds. Of course I still am recuperating but now know my limits and recognize when my body needs to rest and take a break. {Myoclonic jerking attacks}*
  • The few sessions I had with Changing States were beneficial. I definitely came away feeling better with a reduced desire to use drugs. The CDs and literature given to me were a great help - and still are. {Drug use}*
  • Nearly 4 weeks after first session. Constant craving for food gone. I eat when hungry but the hunger is now dull. I can walk past cakes, chocolate, without a thought. I have had one piece of chocolate and wanted no more. Amazing. Bill is insightful, and really listens to what is concerning you, to better target the areas requiring work. My scales are not very accurate so not sure of weight loss. But for the first time for a long time I feel in control of my eating instead of the other way around. Thank you Bill. {Weight control}*
  • After one session, I felt confident that I would not faint or feel dizzy at the doctors, and that has been the case. It has transformed this aspect of my life. I feel confident and calm, and have been in a couple of situations which would previously have been a problem. Now I sail through them. Many thanks. {Fainting / dizziness in medical situations}*
  • Had one session and have not gambled in month since. Feeling happier and stronger than in years. {Gambling addiction}*
  • I was a seasoned smoker - on and off for 30 years - and thought I was stuck with the addiction. Just one session with Bill ended a near lifetime of slavery to cigs. I really could not smoke if you paid me a million pounds - the idea is just too horrible! But I will give a million thanks to you Bill! {Smoking cessation}*
  • I liked the environment and the way Bill explained his approach by including you. I also appreciated the focus on self-sufficiency and giving you the tools to overcome the problem. {Bulimia}*
  • I thought I'd nip a slight mental wobble in the bud by getting myself booked in for a session.. it took one or two sessions for me to take on board the fact that I wasn't suffering a {major}* wobble, but that I'd found myself back in a state of mild depression.. and the anxiety attacks were not warning signs.. but of course par for the course.. I found this treatment was actually a little more in your face than others, but it some how made logic out of temporary misfortune.. and it was a very quick turn around.. I've not yet since suffered a blip and I'm feeling like I'm back on track.. I was running up to a pretty big mile stone in my life which caused my anxiety to re-appear, this treatment makes you process events in a rational way.. almost takes you a step back from your fear and well to be honest gave me a good shake.. one thing I practice daily are my new relaxation techniques.. now I can really can deeply relax.. 5 times out of 10 I'll find I've fallen to sleep in under 10 mins.. which for me was previously unheard of. {Anxiety / Depression / Panic attacks}*
  • Bill is very welcoming and incites confidence immediately; his knowledge and understanding of human nature is second to none, and while I am still working towards my goal, without his input I wouldn't even have one! From first session, felt that positive change was achievable and compared to costs of some other "therapists" offered real value both financially and effectively. {Traumatic stress, subsequent harmful drinking and lack of confidence}*
  • Very good, excellent facilities - especially the use of EMDR software. {Sports Psychology}*
  • Things have been going very well - I haven't bought chocolate since my first session, and have eaten sum total of 3 small chocolates (in social settings where refusal would be rude!) and two small chocolate half-covered biscuits in 3 weeks. Willpower lasting well, and weight reduced by 8lb as of this morning. Blood pressure also significantly reduced over the last month or so - probably due to ongoing exercise, and general improved diet (including lack of chocolate). Many thanks - terrific results to date, and am thrilled to bits! {Weight control}*
  • Bill has provided me with the first solid foundation for dealing with my condition. It is the first time I have felt I have had support to deal with things the way I choose to. {Addiction}*
  • Developed almost phobic-like fear of my children screaming at me after years of abuse from the eldest who has Asperger's Syndrome. Therapy sessions with Bill relieved me of this extreme anxiety and I am very grateful for that. {Social noise phobia}*
  • I had one therapy session with Bill Frost and it's the best money I've ever spent! He's given me the tools to deal with going to business meetings and social situations in confidence, knowing I can control any anxiety. {Social Anxiety}*
  • I have never wanted to give up smoking before and I was smoking around 25 a day. I decided one day when my breathing was bad and chest tight that it was enough and made a appointment with {Bill Frost}* Changing States. I had my last smoke before going in and haven't smoked since, I have not wanted one it is finding something else to do instead of smoking which was the hardest. {Smoking cessation}*
  • At last after trying all weight loss remedies known to man including failing to keep off 3 stone lost on Lighterlife I finally feel that I am getting somewhere. By addressing the root cause of the over eating rather than trying to diet and failing, my change of lifestyle has already started, no more cravings, no more hunger pangs and more importantly no more fear of not being able to eat the things I want, I still can but I am eating less and some of the things I used to eat, I don't actually want to eat any more. The weight loss has started and it is the most enjoyable way of getting back to the thinner me of 15 years ago. Thanks Bill. {Obesity and feeling permanently hungry}*
  • Two sessions with Bill enabled me to sort out the confusion in my mind. I was able to separate fact from perceived illusions. Bill strengthened me and enabled me to reclaim my life back. It was of enormous benefit both to myself and family as I was able to pass on valuable information to them also. {Very traumatised and confused after my daughter developed a mental illness and became paranoid.}*
  • I thought that the assessment was very thorough and very accurate. I hadn't realised some of the underlying issues that were troubling me. Very impressed! {Confidence}*
  • I found that the therapy I received from changing states was,extremely worthwhile.And did wonders for my gambling addiction. Since receiving the therapy I have not gambled one single time. Also I believe I was able to give up smoking more easily because I had this therapy. I would Highly recommend to anyone. {Gambling}*
  • Bill is a great help in isolating issues which can be addressed in therapy. He is sensitive to what you want to achieve, and is non-judgemental. Very helpful and kind approach. Thanks Bill. {Virtual gastric band weight loss therapy}*
  • The session was inspiring! It has totally taken away the impulse nature to bite my nails! I have now not even thought about biting for 4 weeks and my nails look great! {Nail biting}*
  • The session was very good and informative. 'Feel the discomfort and do it anyway' was great advice and what I really needed to hear. {Lack of motivation, time management}*
  • I sought therapy to help me to deal with a very traumatic period in my life both at work and at home. I found the treatment that I received helped me to deal with a whole host of difficult issues. {Severe stress, both personal and work related}*
  • Changing States Therapy has helped me take control of my life. I have learnt techniques that I can practice at home which enable me to keep on top of any cravings I have. I now have all the tools I need. Thank you for all your help, you really have helped me turn a corner! I feel more positive in general and my 'mind chatter' is less detrimental to my overall being. {General lack of motivation and direction in life and over eating and drinking}*
  • I felt comfortable straight away and liked the use of technology to assist therapy. {Blushing}*
  • Mr Frost enabled me, through therapy, to identify my needs and take action, to take control of my own life and to put others requirements of me into perspective. {Inability to separate from my husband and move on with my life}*
  • I appreciated the way in which the therapy was conducted. Particularly the explanations given letting me understand more about my challenge and how therapy was going to help me. I would recommend Changing States. {Agoraphobia}*
  • I think that the therapy that I received was excellent. The process has allowed me to be a lot more confident about myself and address several difficulties that I had been experiencing. Thank you. {Confidence}*
  • I am much more confident now than before the therapy, and can relax quicker and easier too. I am more comfortable providing assertive feedback and standing my ground on things that I hold to be true. I would certainly use your services again if I felt the need. Thanks. {Lack of confidence, memory recall and assertiveness}*
  • Pretty down and demoralised before i went to Bill. Very cynical about such therapy in the beginning, but was open to new teaching methods. Bill has been a great source of help, and a wonderful person to talk with about your issues. The therapy took a bit of getting used to, but with an open mind it really does help. The CD/Information provided for post therapy work is helpful, but the main thing here is to work through what has been discussed/learned and to keep on listening to the CD's provided to reinforce the therapy. Going to Bill was certainly a positive move for me, I am glad i took the step to make contact with him, and will certainly be happy to go back for 'top-up' sessions. Thanks Bill. {Confidence Building, Smoking and Alcohol Control}*
  • After my visits with Bill I really feel I can cope with stressful situations now, he has given me the tools to help myself, I feel more assertive and confident. Thank you Bill. {Stress/anxiety}*
  • I attended before depression had deep hold; 1st session accurate in discerning cause; following sessions very good in helping with negative issues. With guidance to understand and address personal issues, I am now confident to continue with life. All extremely professional. {Clinical Depression}*
  • A real turning point for me - weight loss gradual - well being excellent. {Weight management}*
  • A very interesting, positive and relaxing session. I learnt a lot about myself and how to deal with situations, which has already been put to the test, successfully! Very helpful literature, techniques and CDs to continue the process as well. Thanks Bill, I feel optimistic that the summer months can be more enjoyable from now on! {Wasp phobia}*
  • 100% abstinence since the therapy session. The best decision I have ever made. {Alcohol cessation}*
  • I have on two separate occasions used the services of Changing States. First time was a gambling issue and after therapy have never gambled again. Recently they helped me with a diet issue,that also seems to have worked. Excellent service.I would highly recommend to others. {Gambling addiction also diet issue}*
  • I have not smoked since the hypnotherapy session - 4 months ago - thank you! {Smoking cessation}*
  • Very professional & quick ability to grasp problem and follow with therapy. Only treated whilst it was required, did not attempt to extend for monetary purposes. Client wellbeing was first. {Depression & family issues}*
  • This has changed my life people have commented on how much more confident I am and how much I've changed in a good way. I still have a long way to go but the short period I have seen Bill I have improved massively with everything. All the techniques Bill has provided me with will make a massive difference in the future. Can't believe how different I feel: a lot happier and less stressed. {Phobia / Anxiety}*
  • I was very pleased with the result of my therapy. I badly wanted to stop smoking after smoking for 30+ years. I knew I could not stop any other way as I had tried patches and will power to no avail. I made 3 roll-ups before leaving Aylesbury for the the appointment with Bill, smoked 2 on the way and binned the 3rd one about 3 weeks later! Amazing results! A word of warning though, don't expect to feel elated and like a non-smoker the minute you finish the session - it doesn't work like that and, personally, I felt very apprehensive as to whether or not it had worked at all until I left and just didn't smoke. {Smoking cessation}*
  • Your work is very good Bill. {Various hypnotherapy CDs}*
  • Really enjoyed the therapy and the accompanying material. Will stick to the recommendations! Thank very much! {Phobia / Panic attacks}*
  • Bill Frost has made a significant change to the way I have dealt with anxiety levels that have built up over the course of my adult life. The relaxation and strengthening techniques have a made a vast difference to my life and well being. {Anxiety}*
  • "I want to thank you very very much for all of your help and I really appreciated and enjoyed my sessions - will definitely be recommending you if anyone ever needs similar help!" {Insomnia}*
  • I found the process constructive, thoughtful, helpful and rewarding. Much happier with myself now! {Assertiveness}*
  • Bill has helped me to overcome my anxiety and control any panic attacks at the point I feel them coming on with simple techniques that work in any environment. I have not had a panic attack since my treatment with him. {Panic attacks}*
  • I came to Bill Frost/Changing States because I felt my levels of stress were too high. I was particularly stressed with my work (secondary school education). I was also finding the work/life balance difficult and this was causing me to be stressed at home as well. Bill talked me through lots of coping strategies and used hypnosis so that I could enter the classroom equipped with the necessary tools to cope with the many demands placed upon me. I now feel much calmer and happier at work and this has had a positive effect on my home life too. {Stress Management}*
  • Very helpful and enlightening, especially the relaxation techniques and CDs. Very professional and friendly. {Stress and depression}*
  • Bill Frost is a good man. Alcohol was beginning to have a negative impact on my life. As much as I knew I needed to, I lacked the self discipline and willpower to quit. 3 years on from my initial consultation with Bill I am pleased to report that I have managed to refrain from all alcoholic beverages throughout that period.. {Alcohol Cessation}*
  • Bill was very helpful and supporting during the whole process. His techniques helped me to stabilise my emotional status and to focus on my personal wellbeing. I still use them almost on an everyday basis. {Relationship loss}*
  • I have seen extensive improvement following my therapy session with Bill Frost. I have seen a massive drop in my daily stress levels and a vastly increased capacity for coping with stressful situations. My sleepwalking has stopped completely, as has my bruxism during the day, and I am grinding much less in my sleep. Highly recommended. {Bruxism & Sleepwalking}*
  • I had been smoking for around 10 years and had got to the point where I was smoking 30 a day and had tried to stop using various smoking aids for about a year but nothing had worked. I had one session and to be honest I was given other aids such as cd's and notes which I have not opened but have not had a cigarette for over 8 weeks. Yes I still occasionally feel like I want a cigarette but I was told to just think I am a non smoker and the craving goes away. So I would recommend that the therepy works and would say to any one who wants to quit to give it a go. {Smoking cessation}*
  • Hypnotherapy has really worked!! It has improved my life no end. The issue i had was taking over my life but i now have it under control. Don't think hypnotherapy is all about a watch being waved in front of you which will then leave you clucking every time someone says a specific word! There is work involved, but if you're considering hypnotherapy then you're probably at the point where you're prepared to work at it anyway. Honestly, give it a go. I found it really quite relaxing actually. I didn't think i was a stressed/stressy person, but my stress levels were up there with an air traffic controller {in the wrong job}*!!! You've got nothing to lose, give it a go. (I'm not being paid to say this by the way!) {IBS / Travel anxiety and Smoking}*
  • Our sessions have been amazing! As a result of our sessions, I'm certainly shooting from a different / better direction (and despite torrential winds against me!!) I'm hitting a better spot on the target! {Multiple}*
  • Thank you again for what you have done for me. It helped turn the corner in a phenomenally difficult period of my life. {Multiple}*
  • I do feel much better and able to cope with the techniques that you have taught me. Thank you for your help as I was in a very bad place. {Grief}*
  • The approach to treatment and indeed the general professionalism of the practitioner impressed me from the outset. The treatment itself was most helpful and the advice given, over and above the hypnosis therapy, proved to be effective. That, combined with the CDs issued, amounted to a valuable step forward. {Insomnia}*
  • Thanks for helping us both this year. It has made a huge difference. {Multiple}*
  • I benefited from your services and would recommend you to others too. Thank you for all your help. {Flying phobia}*
  • Bill is very empathetic and instantly makes you feel at ease. Sessions are tailored specifically to needs and enjoyable in the very relaxing therapy room. Useful resources provided after each session to supplement learning. {Insomnia and anxiety}*
  • Changing States helped me hugely on my Road to Recovery from a significant episode of reactive depression and accompanying anxiety. Bill is very professional, reassuring and able to make one feel at ease with discussing the crux of your concerns. I had measurable change within 1-2 sessions and felt supported and safe during the hypnotherapy sessions. In combination with changes to my diet and supportive nutritional supplements, hypnotherapy enabled me to regain my sense of who I am and celebrate my talents & personal qualities. I cannot recommend Bill's skills highly enough. A grateful client. {Anxiety and Reactive depression}*
  • It was really helpful to have someone with whom I could talk openly and honestly, and who could give me appropriate feedback and an action plan. Having the time and space in a quiet room to be able to express my feelings with someone who could listen and help me find appropriate responses was extremely beneficial. Knowing it was a confidential environment, enabled me to be able to say things that I had been unable to say out loud, and we found solutions to the problems that I was experiencing. {Needed guidance for anxiety over a family problem}*
  • Just a quick note to thank you for helping me I have followed your instructions you have given me and have lost so far one stone of fat don't worry my doctor is keeping an eye on me and no longer think of sweet stuff at all,so again thank you. {Weight Control}*
  • Bill is extremely helpful. He took time to understand the issues that were causing me distress. Use of downloads used nightly and the regular sessions helped me understand the triggers and also helped me understand I had the ability to control how I reacted to certain situations and also control negative thoughts, I did not believe I had the ability to do this but now feel I can although I have to be aware to nip them in the bud before they take hold. I would certainly recommend hypnotherapy Many thanks again. {Stress}*
  • Just wanted to thank you sincerely for your help, Bill, helping me to find a way out of the old deep rooted issues that I was stuck in for so many years. {Trauma}*
  • When I started the therapy sessions my thought patterns would run constantly in negative thought loops which would increase my anxiety and stress levels even further. Over the course of the therapy sessions my thought patterns have gotten less negative and as a result my stress levels have reduced and I am more at peace with myself. It has been a huge relief to regain autonomy over my own mind again and as a result to be able to be present in the here and now. With the reduction in my stress levels I have also seen improvements in my physical health particularly my energy levels and sleep. I am very grateful for Bill's help. He is very professional and knowledgeable in his field and the range of techniques he uses is incredibly vast. I can definitely recommend his therapy sessions to anyone struggling with stress, anxiety and negative thinking. {Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CFS}*
  • I have really enjoyed our appointments and the progress we have made, I really do feel a shift in my perspective and my behaviour seems to be following along too so really I can't thank you enough.{Alcohol Control}*
  • I just wanted to say I was just standing in the kitchen and genuinely felt that I cannot remember what I was upset about. It feels surreal but very positive, and I feel like laughing out of pure happiness. A big thank you, I am a bit astonished really. Thank you. {Multiple traumas}*
  • After seeing numerous therapists, I m so thankful to have met Bill. After just two sessions, I feel less anxious, more confident and positive. The number one reason I will recommend Bill is that he has a number of skills i.e. hypnotherapy, NLP and EMDR - instead of just relying on one type of therapy. His hypnotherapy recordings are also one of the best I've received - they help to achieve a deeper level of relaxation in a matter of minutes! Finally, Bill is extremely knowledgeable and genuinely cares about his clients - he does his best to help. Thank you so much Bill, I know I can turn to you for help if needed! {Trauma, panic, tardive dyskinesia/FMD}*
  • Sessions with Bill were very helpful and he used a wide range of techniques during therapy. He was easy to talk to about sometimes difficult subject matter and offered useful and practical tips to incorporate into every day for better outcomes. Would definitely recommend.{Marriage breakdown}*
  • I have had therapy previously but none produced the results which Bill achieved in a matter of weeks. In fact, each week he worked with me on a different specific issue and the results were almost immediate. I was a little sceptical as to whether the positive outcomes would last but I am very pleased that all have. Bill is intuitive and uses a range of therapies to help; it is not a 'one method suits all', which is important. My issues were impacting hugely on my life but now, thanks to Bill, I am able to move on, more confident and happy. I am very grateful to him and have no hesitation in recommending Bill's therapy practice. {Past relationship issues and anxiety}*
  • A non-judgemental approach. Understood my situation and tailored the treatment sessions to suit. As a result I have seen positive changes in my situation which has motivated to continue to use the relaxation techniques provided. I was wary about hypnotherapy at first, but having been through the process, guided by an expert in the field, I can see how effective it can be when used on its own or in conjunction with other medical treatment. {Anorgasmia}*
  • I found the therapy extremely helpful. The hypnosis was effective at processing a lot of my negative thoughts. Bill was very professional and was able to explain my issues back to me in a rational and scientific way which really helped. I would happily recommend to others tackling their phobias / anxiety. {Agoraphobia / anxiety / phobias}*
  • Bill has made a lasting positive impact on my life through his treatment, enabling me to cope better with every day life and my negative thoughts using the tools that he has provided me. Bill is knowledgable, professional and provides excellent advice throughout as well as being very effective at being able to put you into a hypnotic state to implement change at a sub conscious level. Would highly recommend to my friends and family who required similar help. {Anxiety / Self Doubt}*
  • Thank you to Bill Frost for his commitment and understanding! I looked forward to my sessions and Bill really helped coach me through some difficult times. With his calm manner and skill of listening, insightful comments and relaxation techniques he helped me stay calm and focused and find the energy, confidence and determination to get through a mammoth task over many months. It was so helpful and I feel truly grateful, thanks again! {Stress / Anxiety*}
  • I found my therapy really useful as it lead me to certain realisations and plan of actions to take and apply to further life choices and habits. Thank you Bill! {Childhood trauma}*
  • I first met Bill over 10 years ago when he helped me to quit smoking and overcome alcohol dependency. I am still so relieved to say that after just 2 sessions (in 2012) I remain alcohol free/sober. Subsequently, we worked on establishing a successful healthy eating routine and public speaking strategy. In 2020/2021, a relatively toxic marriage finally broke down and my career had begun to plateau. Once again, I reached out to Bill and am pleased to advise that I think I am beginning to heal from and possibly even overcome the devastating loss of the relationship that I valued more than anything. More surprisingly (for me) was the inner strength, clarity of purpose, single minded focus and drive that Bill helped instill throughout this period. With his help I have now got my career back on track and have secured an important promotion (while simultaneously trying to cope with the life changing heartbreak, resentment, self-pity and all those other feelings that invariably accompany divorce!) In summary, I consider myself very lucky to have someone of this calibre in my corner. I look forward to continuing my journey with Bill acting as a mentor. It's actually exciting, there are endless possibilities.... {Alcohol, Healthy Eating, Divorce, Career}*
  • Bill is very empathetic and very good to talk to he helped me how to relax and look at things in another perspective. {Anxiety}*
  • My teenager daughter suffers from many issues, such as anxiety and phobias. Bill helped her change her way of thinking with focused support, such as discussions, hypnotherapy and techniques / exercises to try at home. It was a positive experience and we would recommend Bill Frost: Changing States. {Anxiety and phobia} *
  • Bill was very professional and extremely knowledgeable. The therapy sessions have made an immense difference to how I deal with my anxiety. The added benefit of the audio downloads Bill sent to me was also an incredible tool that I am able to still use. I am not able thank you enough for all the work that was completed with me. I would recommend the therapy very strongly. Thankyou! {Trauma}*
  • I was quite nervous about attending hypnotherapy, but I needn't have been. I was made to feel comfortable and calm from the moment I walked through the door for the first session to the moment I left at the end of my last session. The sessions were calm and friendly, all starting with an on-topic chat that felt entirely natural; helped by the fact that I have an interest in and history in the medical field. The materials provided were clear and helpful. Promises were kept. The whole experience was definitively positive, I would definitely recommend it to others. {Memory}*
  • Bill has assisted me at two seperate very challenging times in my life, learning to cope with deep social anxiety, low self esteem and depression. From my first session I have felt a nearly immediate improvement to my symptoms when compared to other therapies such as CBT and talking therapies alone. Bill is highly qualified and personable, and I highly recommend. {Social anxiety / self confidence / depression} *
  • Absolutely amazing. Really helped me move forward with my life and not be consumed by my trauma. {PTSD / CPTSD / Trauma} *
  • I was very pleased with my sessions - I am in a much better place now and have cut my alcohol consumption down dramatically. I found that talking through my issues with Bill was very helpful. It brought things into perspective. The hypnosis was very relaxing and helped me focus on my issues. I am continuing with the techniques and self help materials which I took home from the sessions. I would definitely recommend Bill Frost: Changing States. {Weight loss and alcohol control} *
  • I engaged Bill's support to help me deal with issues related to self-image / confidence. Bill provided a feel of safety for me to explore my experience before agreeing on a process of hypnotherapy. This was explained and delivered in a progressive manner, with straightforward activities to carry out in my own time to reinforce what we had focused on during sessions. Combined with reflection and discussion, this personalised approach helped me to improve my thinking and self-management in a beneficial way. {Self-image and confidence}*
  • My daughter has been seeing Bill on and off for the last 2 years. He has helped her to manage her anxiety and understand her feelings. She has enjoyed her sessions with Bill and has used his techniques in times of heightened anxiety. Bill is passionate about what he does and he always goes that extra mile. He has not only supported my daughter, but supported me by talking and providing resources. I would highly recommend Bill and I will certainly use him again if required. {Anxiety}*
  • Bill Frost was professional and empathetic throughout the therapy. He also congratulated me when I made progress either interacting with dogs or taking steps to spend time in parts of my home where I had previously heard rodents in the loft space. Family issues came up such as unresolved grief and my people-pleasing habits. All four issues listed here were remarkably improved by EDMR therapy and hypnotherapy in the sessions which was personalised to me and what was on my mind currently. I can reassure future clients that at no time did I feel I had lost control or 'was going under'. I would recommend this therapy for phobias. {Dog / rodent phobia / bereavement}*
  • I finally feel I can leave an appropriate review for this service as I seen life with therapy and seen life after therapy. My last hypnotherapy session was in July which (as I am writing this) was 3 months ago. Safe to say Bill was brilliant. Not only is he amazing at what he does but he also created a safe space and allowed me to get things off my chest even if it was completely unrelated to the main reason, I was getting therapy. I initially went to therapy for several trauma related subjects which Bill helped me deal with through hypnotherapy and EMDR. It was the weirdest experience but has helped more than I would have ever hoped for. He always made sure that I was okay after a session even if this meant going over our allocated time. If he was unable to do this, he offered video calling later in the day (if I was still bothered by our session) to help my mind calm and later come back for a stabilisation session where we focused on grounding my mind. He did this free of charge and always did his best to bring me back to reality as quickly as possible after discussing something traumatic. I am truly grateful for Bill and his services and highly recommend him. The last 3 months of my life have shown me just how much I have managed to overcome. Things that would have disrupted my life massively in seconds, like seeing something/someone trauma related. Don t anymore. I wont lie and say I am completely healed and over what has happened in my past, but I never thought I would be able to have a normal life or romantic relationship again prior to have therapy. Thank you, Bill, for everything! Life would not be the same without you. {CPTSD / PTSD / Trauma}*
  • Just wanted to say thank you for your amazing work and patience with me. Things have been shifting for me lately but the recent session (and maybe the one before it) really has made so much difference. It seems like the confident person I used to be is coming back, and it's been a bit easier to face difficult things without being tilted. {Eczema}*
  • After two sessions with Bill, I was able to sleep again after months of unable to fall asleep / night terrors. My nervous system had calmed down immensely. Bill has provided me with guidance and techniques to carry on with when I am alone. His EMDR session was successful in helping me quit smoking and I have been recommending Bill to everyone I know! Thank you very much for all of your help. {Trauma, smoking cessation}*
  • I highly recommend Bill. The time I spent with him has helped me process experiences that I allowed to affect my whole adult life. We used a wide range of methods. I can't thank him enough." {PTSD}*
  • Thank you, Bill, for helping me to feel much calmer through a stressful period. I am no longer waking myself up in the night, grinding my teeth. I appreciated your flexibility and willingness to work with what was most important for me each week. Also your ability to draw on different psychotherapeutic tools, as needed. I find your delivery of hypnosis incredibly relaxing and am grateful to have the two recordings, so I can listen from time to time. {Anxiety and bruxism}*
  • Bill has been able to help me where no one else seemed to be able to help; he has been able to reduce my movement disorder by 80-90%. Bill is immensely patient, non judgemental, professional and friendly at the same time. Thank you very much. {FMD Functional Movement Disorder}*
  • Bill is thoroughly professional and courteous and I found the one to one sessions gave me a renewed sense of tranquility and calm. Not only were the sessions hugely beneficial, I also came away feeling better equipped to continue my own personal journey towards better mental health. {Anxiety}*
  • I recently had the privilege of receiving therapy from Bill at Changing States Hypnotherapy in High Wycombe, and it has been transformative. Bill's calm demeanor and empathetic approach immediately put me at ease, making me feel comfortable and valued.

    His extensive qualifications and expertise in Hypnotherapy were evident in his integrative approach. This method effectively addressed my concerns from multiple angles, leading to a holistic healing process.

    Bill's professionalism and ability to create a connection remained strong, making the experience better.

    The results have been profound, with significant improvements in my mental and emotional well-being. Bill's techniques have equipped me with practical tools to manage stress anxiety and changes in life.

    I highly recommend Bill Frost and Changing States Hypnotherapy to anyone seeking effective and compassionate therapy. Thank you, Bill, for your dedication and positive impact on my life. {Alcohol control / Grief}
  • Really wonderful and helpful sessions with hypnotherapy and counselling. Many thanks for the effort and the good work you have done. Thanks. {Stress / Anxiety}*

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*Disclaimer required by Google: We provide testimonials to help you gain confidence about how we work and results we achieve. However, please be aware that we whilst we bring 100% of our effort and skill to the process, as with all hypnotherapy / psychotherapy practices, results may vary between individuals.