Bill is a senior lecturer with more than 3,000 hours of lecturing experience in the UK and Internationally since 2005. He currently works with the London School of Clinical Communication & Hypnosis (LSCCH) and LCCH Asia. He has previously worked with the London College of Clinical Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, LCCH International and as an associate lecturer for the University of West London.
He has taught clinical hypnosis and hypnotherapy / EMDR at CPPD / Certificate, Medical Diploma, PG Cert / Diploma, PG Dip / Practitioner Diploma and a variety of CPD Masterclass courses in the UK and internationally in Ireland, Portugal, Malaysia, Borneo and online. For promo text and images see the end of this page.
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Some of my training courses and webinars
Webinar: Attract good luck & positives into your life
Lucky people think differently and do things differently, learn their secrets! Prime your mind to see opportunities and learn how to take advantage of them using a powerful combination of NLP, Hypnosis and the Law of Attraction. If you have been living in a loop or just want to create opportunities in the brave new normal, then this webinar is for you.
Click here to learn more about this webinar…
Introduction to NLP (1-2 days)
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a personal philosophy and a large body of techniques that facilitate change. This course is designed to summarise the available tools and techniques, and will also seek to explain the philosophy that underpins them. This course is suitable for those with little or no experience of NLP that would like to learn more and will be as interactive as possible.
NLP Powertools Masterclass (1-2 days)
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is said to be a field of study that leaves behind it a trail of techniques – some of which are more effective than others. This Masterclass is designed to equip you with as many of the most powerful and effective of those techniques as possible. You do not need to have an understanding of NLP and do not need to have NLP Practitioner Training.
Each technique has been subtly re-engineered to ensure rapid, easy use in the therapy room. Where appropriate some of the techniques will be demonstrated and / or practiced. However, the day will be fast-paced to ensure that you return home with a tool-box full of highly effective tools and techniques.
Effective stress management using NLP and hypnosis (0.5 days)
This half-day interactive course will enable you to deal with stress in your life using techniques that really work. You will learn how to change how you feel with ease eg to feel confident or motivated or calm, how to relax very quickly, how to relax when in a stressful situation and much more besides.
Hypnotherapy Audio Production Masterclass (1 day)
Ever since the advent of tape-recorders, therapists have added value to their treatments by giving patients recordings for use when back home. In many cases there are substantial advantages in patients being able to reinforce key suggestions whenever they need to. This is particularly the case with weight control, smoking and addictions. However, a lot has changed in recent years, both in terms of patient expectations and in terms of the available technology. The result is that many patients now expect high-quality, downloadable recordings and may be unable to play CDs even if they wanted to!
The objective of this Masterclass is to equip you with all the resources, knowledge and information that you need in order to generate high-quality downloads using your computer. You do not need to have the latest computer or expensive audio gear in order to generate good-quality audio CDs, downloadable MP3 files and PodCasts.
Hypnotherapy audio production masterclass – course content…
Introduction to modern EMDR (2 days)
Bill offers an intensive 2 day overview of the EMDR as a modern, blended therapeutic tool. The course includes how to most effectively use EMDR Pro (Advanced EMDR Software) to treat patients using EMDR. Other modules within the Therapists Toolkit are also demonstrated where applicable. Traditional methods of generating bilateral stimulation are used in most demonstrations and all practice sessions. This course shows how EMDR can be blended together with aspects of NLP, hypnotherapy and CBT.
Introduction to modern EMI [Eye Movement Integration] (0.5 days)
The Eye Movement Integration therapy approach can be viewed as a gentler version of EMDR and can be combined with EMDR and many other therapeutic disciplines. EMI is not as regressive as other eye-movement based techniques and therefore reduces the possibility of re-traumatisation as far as possible. EMDR Pro was originally designed for the purposes of EMI and this software based approach is used to demonstrate some concepts, mainly when the course is run in a physical classroom situation.
Positive thinking and how to [help to] make your dreams come true! (2 hours – Zoom based)
Get in control of your future and use the power of your unconscious mind to help attract positive things towards you and make your dreams come true!
Too good to be true? No! We attract into our lives whatever we focus on. So if you focus on what you don’t want and that’s exactly what you’ll get!
Just like magnets, ‘likes’ attract each other. So, when you focus on doom and gloom you send out negative signals to the world and attract negatives. In effect, you generate your own bad luck.
But if you focus on positive outcomes and thoughts you will tend to attract positives towards you and generate your own good luck!
This workshop shows you how to use the Law of attraction to attract positivity, generate good luck and allow your dreams to come true. Sign up today to design the life you want.
This mini 1.5 hour practical webinar will next be hosted by the LSCCH. The original title was Positive thinking to achieve your goals.
Lecturer’s Profile
Bill migrated to the field of psychotherapy from the defence science / change management sectors where he successfully used NLP as a Change Management tool. He is a USA-trained Humanistic NLP Master Practitioner / Life Coach and is a former UN humanitarian aid worker with experience of working in active war zones. He has been involved in a number of research projects including the development of computer-based tools to automate many aspects of EMDR, CBT and NLP based psychotherapeutic techniques.
As a therapist with more than 20 years of experience in the coaching and personal development industry, he uses hypnotherapy, EMDR and NLP to treat trauma, addictions and stress / anxiety-based conditions generally.
As a lecturer, he has more than 3,000 hours of teaching experience since 2005 and has lectured in the UK, Ireland, Portugal, Malaysia, Borneo, Singapore and Zoom! He has lectured with the London College of Clinical Hypnosis, LCCH International and as an associate lecturer with the University of West London. He was the first lecturer to teach LCCH Asia students in Malaysia. He currently works with the London College of Clinical Communications and Hypnotherapy (LSCCH) and LCCH Asia.