Hypnotherapy in High Wycombe & Online

Bill Frost: Changing States Hypnotherapy is an expert provider of online hypnotherapy and hypnosis / hypnotherapy in High WycombeGet in touch today…

Expert Clinical Hypnosis and EMDR Trauma Treatment

Hypnotherapy for many issues…

There are times when we all need gentle assistance to help ourselves change from one state into another. The role of face-to-face and online hypnotherapy / NLP / EMDR is to provide a range of solutions to enable rapid and effective change. More about how hypnotherapy can help

Hypnotherapy / NLP / EMDR to resolve many psychological issues

Hypnosis + EMDR trauma treatment…

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) is a powerful and relatively new form of psychotherapy that is challenging what we believe about PTSD, trauma, emotions and the nature of change. EMDR is the therapy of the future – NOW. 
More about EMDR & EMI…

Hypnosis audio self-help downloads

Self-help hypnosis resources…

I offer a large range of hypnotherapy audio downloads that help to resolve a variety of common issues. You can even construct your own hypnotherapy download

Custom downloads can also be arranged. Contact for details

Does trauma hold you back?

I use a combination of approaches, including EMDR, to safely help you move forward and live your life without undue fear & anxiety… Book an appointment…

Overcome pandemic trauma and PTSD

Bill Frost: Expert hypnotherapist and psychotherapist

Bill Frost: Hypnosis in High Wycombe & Online

I am a DBS-cleared, expert hypnotherapist and integrative psychotherapist based in High Wycombe UK with specialisations in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Timeline Therapy, BioFeedback, NLP & EMDR trauma treatment. I am also a university-level clinical hypnosis & NLP / EMDR lecturer with more than 20 years of experience as a therapist & coach. About Bill Frost

Resources for therapists

Services & resources for other hypnotherapists…
Whether you need hypnotherapist supervision, mentoring, training, audio recording help, therapy software advice, or practice startup coaching, I can help you to succeed…
See how I can help you to get started…

Typical Issues treated using hypnotherapy & NLP/EMDR

Click here for details…

The wide variety of issues treated via hypnotherapy, NLP and EMDR

1:1 Hypnotherapy in the High Wycombe area

Bill Frost's therapy room in High Wycombe for in-person sessions

A Few Client Feedback Comments

Therapy for Therapy for Multiple issues*
EMDR enabled me to voice emotions that had been buried - where there was temporarily no emotional strength Bill's techniques/EMDR fueled me to accelerate important life changes. Bill Frost has enabled me to express powerful emotions in a non-destructive way using a calm anchor to stay in control. When the stakes were high at work and in personal life Bill has shown me that 'issues' in themselves are part of a process and that behaviour associated with them can be changed effectively to activate pivotal life changes. BF has has made me realize boundary setting is negating the issue and concentrating on behaviour necessary (in my case to overcome re-training and job interviews). *5

Therapy for Multiple traumas*
I just wanted to say I was just standing in the kitchen and genuinely felt that I cannot remember what I was upset about. It feels surreal but very positive, and I feel like laughing out of pure happiness. A big thank you, I am a bit astonished really. Thank you. [Multiple traumas]*5

Therapy for Therapy for Multiple issues*
I think meeting with Bill was a positive move on my behalf, which has acted as a catalyst for further positive change. I still have some way to go but am taking a more proactive, and less avoidant, stance towards my difficulties, which has enabled me to feel more in control. *5

Therapy for Anxiety*
Two sessions with Bill enabled me to sort out the confusion in my mind. I was able to separate fact from perceived illusions. Bill strengthened me and enabled me to reclaim my life back. It was of enormous benefit both to myself and family as I was able to pass on valuable information to them also. Very traumatised and confused after my daughter developed a mental illness and became paranoid. [Anxiety]*5

*Required disclaimer: We provide testimonials to help you gain confidence about how we work and results we achieve. However, please be aware that we whilst we bring 100% of our effort and skill to the process, as with all hypnotherapy / psychotherapy practices, results may vary between individuals. Click here for more testimonials...