Hypnotherapy, CBT and EMDR audio files online from Changing States
Changing States - Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis, NLP & EMDR | Ethical and professional Clinical Hypnotherapy, EMDR and NLP based Psychotherapy | Hypnotherapy High Wycombe / Online

Instant download hypnotherapy, hypnosis, CBT and EMDR audio files
For self-hypnosis use and for use by professional therapists... More info...

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Hypnotherapy and CBT audio CDs

Psychotherapy software for self help and for therapist use from Neuro Innovations

To order your instant downloads simply tick the box to the left of the files that you wish to download, then scroll down to checkout. (Please read our terms and conditions before doing so). A menu of all of our instant download titles is below:

Conditions of sale: Not for redistribution to others by any means, for use only by the purchasing individual, not for use as a public performance or as part of a public performance by any means, not for use when recombined with any other product, not for use for anyone diagnosed with any medicated psychiatric condition without written authorisation from the psychiatrist responsible for treatment and / or our agreement. We reserve the right to refuse to supply products should these conditions not be accepted in full.

1 Hypnotherapy

Advanced brain wave synchronisation audio file with suggestions for relaxation | (More info...)
Alcohol Cessation: Staying Sober | (More info...)
Alcohol Control | (More info...)
Banish Anxiety | (More info...)
Bruxism Therapy | (More info...)
Confidence Boost | (More info...)
Control Blushing (Erythrophobia) | (More info...)
Control Blushing (Erythrophobia) CD version | (More info...)
Drug use cessation: Get clean. Stay clean. | (More info...)
Dry Bed (To reduce bed wetting) | (More info...)
Favourite safe place of relaxation | (More info...)
Gambling Cessation: Playing Safe | (More info...)
Healthy Eating | (More info...)
Nail Biting | (More info...)
Progressive Relaxation | (More info...)
Rapid Sleep | (More info...)
Smoking Cessation: Staying Stopped | (More info...)
Social Confidence | (More info...)
Stop Binging | (More info...)

2 Low frequency audio

Mindsync low frequency audio: WMA: Deep relaxation: 30 mins | (More info...)
Mindsync low frequency audio: WMA: Deep relaxation: 60 mins | (More info...)


EMDR Audio 1. Piano notes. 24 reps. 3 speeds. | (More info...)


Combat / War | (More info...)
Emetophobia | (More info...)
Flying Phobia Desensitisation Multimedia 1 (Audio) | (More info...)
Flying Phobia Desensitisation Multimedia 1 (Image / Video) | (More info...)
Height phobia desensitisation multimedia 1 | (More info...)
Social Noise | (More info...)
Thunder Phobia | (More info...)

1 Hypnotherapy

Advanced brain wave synchronisation audio file with suggestions for relaxation

Only £GBP 5.25 (Approx $US 10 / € 7)

Hypnotherapy: Advanced brain wave synchronisation audio MP3 file with suggestions for relaxation, quiet mind, letting tension go, feeling good, positive coping (7 mins of positive suggestions within a 17 min block of Mind Sync bilateral stimulation audio to balance the left and right hemispheres). This advanced form of hypnosis audio generates a deep level of physical as well as psychological relaxation. Can be used to promote sleep since no direct awakening.

MP3 Instant Download 17 MB.

Alcohol Cessation: Staying Sober

Only £GBP 21 (Approx $US 42 / € 27)

Hypnotherapy: Alcohol Cessation: Staying Sober

Relaxation is induced using a favourite place of relaxation induction and then direct suggestions are given to encourage alcohol consumption cessation. Awakening with confidence boosting is present.

45 mins / 41 MB / MP3 version of our CD.

Alcohol Control

Only £GBP 21 (Approx $US 42 / € 27)

Hypnotherapy: Alcohol Control

Relaxation is induced using a favourite place of relaxation induction and then direct suggestions are given to encourage alcohol consumption control. Awakening with confidence boosting is present.

38 mins / 35 MB / MP3 MP3 version of our CD.

Banish Anxiety

Only £GBP 10.5 (Approx $US 21 / € 14)

Hypnotherapy: Banish Anxiety

Relaxation is induced via a favourite place of relaxation induction and is followed by direct suggestion to counter anxiety or fear of future events. Awakening with confidence boosting is present.

35 mins / 32 MB / MP3 version of our CD.

Bruxism Therapy

Only £GBP 10.5 (Approx $US 21 / € 14)

Hypnotherapy: Bruxism Therapy

Relaxation is induced by relaxing all of the muscles of the body starting with the feet, followed by strong confidence boosting suggestions, followed by direct suggestions to promote sound sleep, followed by suggestions to relax the jaw muscles when sleeping. Awakening is not present to facilitate sleep.

32 mins / 30 MB / MP3 version of our CD.

Confidence Boost

Only £GBP 10.5 (Approx $US 21 / € 14)

Hypnotherapy: Confidence Boost

Relaxation is induced via your favourite place of relaxation followed by confidence boosting suggestions and an awakening.

24 mins / 22 Mb / MP3 version of our CD.

Control Blushing (Erythrophobia)

Only £GBP 6.45 (Approx $US 13 / € 8)

Hypnotherapy: Staying Cool. Relaxation is induced via a favourite place of relaxation induction and is followed by direct suggestion to help control the blushing response and to counter anxiety or fear of future events. Awakening with brief ego strengthening is present. Approx 12 mins.

12 mins / 12 MB / MP3

Control Blushing (Erythrophobia) CD version

Only £GBP 10.5 (Approx $US 21 / € 14)

Hypnotherapy: Blushing Management. Relaxation is induced via a favourite place of relaxation induction and is followed by direct suggestion to help manage the blushing response and to reduce anxiety generally. Awakening with brief ego strengthening is present.

40 mins. / 42 MB / MP3 version of our CD.

Drug use cessation: Get clean. Stay clean.

Only £GBP 21 (Approx $US 42 / € 27)

Hypnotherapy: Drug Use Cessation / Get Clean. Staying Clean. Boost CD designed for post session use

Relaxation is induced using a favourite place of relaxation induction and then direct suggestions are given to encourage drug use cessation. Awakening with confidence boosting is present.

45 mins / 42 MB / MP3 version of our CD.

Dry Bed (To reduce bed wetting)

Only £GBP 10.5 (Approx $US 21 / € 14)

Hypnotherapy: Wake with a dry bed

Relaxation is induced via a favourite place of relaxation induction and is followed by direct suggestion to boost confidence levels, followed by suggestions to wake with a dry bed. An awakening is not present so the file can be used to go to sleep with.

45 mins / 34 Mb / MP3 version of our CD.

Favourite safe place of relaxation

Only £GBP 10.5 (Approx $US 21 / € 14)

Hypnotherapy: Favourite safe place of relaxation

Relaxation is induced via your favourite safe place of relaxation followed by confidence boosting suggestions and an awakening. Contains low frequency bilateral audio.

22 mins / 20 Mb / MP3 format.

Gambling Cessation: Playing Safe

Only £GBP 21 (Approx $US 42 / € 27)

Hypnotherapy: Gambling Cessation

Relaxation is induced using a favourite place of relaxation induction and then direct suggestions are given to encourage gambling cessation. Awakening with confidence boosting is present.

45 Mins / 30+MB / MP3 version of our CD.

Healthy Eating

Only £GBP 21 (Approx $US 42 / € 27)

Hypnotherapy: Healthy Eating

Relaxation is induced using a hand focus induction and then direct suggestions are given to encourage healthy eating patterns and desires. Awakening with confidence boosting is present.

45 mins / 30+ MB / MP3 version of our CD.

Nail Biting

Only £GBP 10.5 (Approx $US 21 / € 14)

Hypnotherapy: Nail Biting: Perfect Nails

Relaxation is induced by focusing the attention onto a hand whilst sitting and is followed by direct suggestion to counter nail biting. Awakening with confidence boosting is present.

24 mins / 22 Mb / MP3 version of our CD.

Progressive Relaxation

Only £GBP 10.5 (Approx $US 21 / € 14)

Hypnotherapy: Progressive Relaxation

Relaxation is induced by relaxing all of the muscles of the body starting with the feet. An awakening component is present.

26 mins / 24 Mb / MP3 version of our CD.

Rapid Sleep

Only £GBP 10.5 (Approx $US 21 / € 14)

Hypnotherapy: Rapid Sleep

Relaxation is induced by relaxing all of the muscles of the body starting with the feet, followed by strong confidence boosting suggestions, followed by direct suggestions to promote sound sleep. Awakening is not present to facilitate sleep.

30 mins / 30 Mb / MP3 version of our CD.

Smoking Cessation: Staying Stopped

Only £GBP 21 (Approx $US 42 / € 27)

Hypnotherapy: Smoking Cessation / Staying Stopped Boost CD designed for post session use

Relaxation is induced using a favourite place of relaxation induction and then direct suggestions are given to encourage smoking cessation. Awakening with confidence boosting is present.

45 Mins / 45 Mb / MP3 version of our CD.

Social Confidence

Only £GBP 10.5 (Approx $US 21 / € 14)

Hypnotherapy: This audio file is an MP3 version of our hypnotherapy CD by the same name and contains relaxation music before and inspirational music after the hypnotherapy and low frequency audio throughout. You will initially be guided to your favourite place of relaxation.

42 mins / 36 Mb / MP3 version of our CD.

Stop Binging

Only £GBP 21 (Approx $US 42 / € 27)

Hypnotherapy: Stop Binging

Relaxation is induced using a hand focus induction and then direct suggestions are given to discourage binge eating. Awakening with confidence boosting is present.

45 mins / 30+ MB / MP3 version of our CD.

2 Low frequency audio

Mindsync low frequency audio: WMA: Deep relaxation: 30 mins

Only £GBP 5.25 (Approx $US 10 / € 7)

A 30 min low frequency audio recording using Mindsync technology. This recording contains no spoken words - just low frequency effect bilateral audio in WMA audio format. This recording is designed to facilitate sleep.

40 Mb instant download in WMA format. (30 mins / 40 MB / WMA). [NB CD version will be of better quality].

Mindsync low frequency audio: WMA: Deep relaxation: 60 mins

Only £GBP 5.25 (Approx $US 10 / € 7)

A 60 min low frequency audio recording using Mindsync technology. This recording contains no spoken words - just low frequency effect bilateral audio in WMA audio format. This recording is designed to facilitate relaxation by generating a sense of floating.

55 Mb instant download in WMA format. (60 mins / 55 MB / WMA). [NB CD version will be of better quality].


EMDR Audio 1. Piano notes. 24 reps. 3 speeds.

Only £GBP 5.25 (Approx $US 10 / € 7)

EMDR audio files. 25 reps of a piano beep sound at 3 speeds (fast / medium / slow).

The sound moves from left to right and back again (bilateral)

MP3 downloads <10 Mb. Recorded using EMDR Pro. Consists of 3 audio MP3 downloads.


Combat / War

Only £GBP 10.5 (Approx $US 21 / € 14)

CBT Audio Desensitisation File: Combat / War: MP3 Instant Download. Peer to peer access. Sounds of active combat / war are gradually introduced until the height of combat is emulated and are then phased out.

Approx 11 Mins / 10 Mb MP3 instant download available as a single file (10 MB) or as seperate files (Total 20 MB).


Only £GBP 5.25 (Approx $US 10 / € 7)
CBT Audio Desensitisation File: Emetophobia: MP3 Instant Download. Peer to peer access. The trigger sounds are gradually phased in on the right channel whilst at the same time relaxation music is played at a constant level on the left channel.

Approx 8 mins / 7 MB / MP3.

Flying Phobia Desensitisation Multimedia 1 (Audio)

Only £GBP 5.25 (Approx $US 10 / € 7)
CBT Audio Desensitisation File: Flying Phobia: MP3 Instant Download. Peer to peer access. The trigger sounds are gradually phased in on the right channel whilst at the same time relaxation music is played at a constant level on the left channel.

Approx 8 mins / 7 MB / MP3.

Flying Phobia Desensitisation Multimedia 1 (Image / Video)

Only £GBP 9.99 (Approx $US 20 / € 13)
CBT / EMDR flying phobia desensitisation images and 3 free video files. 90 good quality images and 3 free video files representing all aspects of the flying experience from check-in to baggage collection. Take-off is covered in full via 3 video files. Instant approx 3 mb download after purchase for the images (zip format - images are in uncompressed jpg format) and approx 60 Mb for the two zipped video files.

The licence for these images and video files is strictly "for individual use", for use with any Neuro Innovations' software product and excludes integration into any product regardless of media, or any other form of onward distribution.

Click here for more info...

Height phobia desensitisation multimedia 1

Only £GBP 9.99 (Approx $US 20 / € 13)
CBT/EMDR height desensitisation phobia images and video files. Images / video files are of a spiral staircase from below and above, and a 4th floor hotel balcony looking out over a beach.

Approx 5 balcony images with 1 video file, 7 staircase images with 2 video files in 2 zip files - approx 30 Mb download.

The licence for these images and video files is strictly "for individual use", for use with any Neuro Innovations' software product and excludes integration into any product regardless of media, or any other form of onward distribution.

Click here for more info...

Social Noise

Only £GBP 5.25 (Approx $US 10 / € 7)

CBT Audio Desensitisation File: Social Noise: MP3 Instant Download. Peer to peer access. The trigger sounds are gradually phased in on the right channel whilst at the same time relaxation music is played at a constant level on the left channel.

Approx 8 mins / 7 MB / MP3.

Thunder Phobia

Only £GBP 5.25 (Approx $US 10 / € 7)

CBT Audio Desensitisation File: Thunder Phobia: MP3 Instant Download. Peer to peer access. The trigger sounds are gradually phased in on the right channel whilst at the same time relaxation music is played at a constant level on the left channel.

Approx 8 mins / 7 MB / MP3.

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By purchasing and downloading our clinical hypnotherapy audio files you are fully agreeing that the files will be solely used for your personal use. You agree that neither you or any of your associates or partners or any other person will rerecord, distribute or reproduce any of these files in full or part without express written permission of the author. Additionally you also agree that you will take full responsibility when using any of these files as part of a self-hypnosis or self-development prgramme or when advised to use such files by your therapist. Changing States nor Bill Frost or any associates are not liable in any way or sense for effects, or lack of effects, or any damages of any kind whatsoever resulting from the use or misuse of the any of the files, and will not be liable in any way for any damages of any kind.

(Click to sign)


To book an appointment CLICK HERE or call 0737 9876 788

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy High Wycombe and Central London

© Changing States is a provider of hypnotherapy and hypnosis High Wycombe & Central London
Bill Frost - Clinical Hypnotherapist 1998-2024

Developed by: Neuro Innovations - providers of psychotherapy and EMDR software

Diplomate Member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis

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Last updated 20 January 2025

Hypnotherapy High Wycombe | () | Hypnotherapy High Wycombe / Central London

Required disclaimer: Please be aware that we bring 100% of our effort and skill to the process, however, as with all practices, results may vary between individuals.